8 Most Effective Ways to Make Fat and Healthy Cats

Who doesn't like it if the cat is fat and healthy? Fat and healthy cats are definitely wanted by all cat lovers, especially those who think that the fat cat has its own charm. Either there are those who say they are getting more sophisticated, cute, funny and so on.

Making a fat, healthy cat and good fur is what everyone who cares for cats wants. But in the implementation many are confused and finally even carelessly to make the cat fat.

So that you are not wrong in fattening the cat, KucingPedia.com has ways and tips that you can practice so that your cat is fat, the fur is good and of course it stays healthy!

Before you find out about ways to fatten cats, please note that the method below is not a fast method. Because the fast fattening process depends on you, but this method is an effective way to fatten cats. Here are the ways:

1. Increase appetite first

The first way is we must be able to add or provoke the appetite of the cat. There are several ways to make your cat appetite, such as polishing a little wet food on the cat's nose, bringing food closer to our cat.

2. Providing food with high protein

This is one of the keys to success to make the cat become fat where we give him high protein foods. Proteins like this can usually be obtained easily from meat, you can buy Raw Food Chicken or fish as the main meal. If you have doubts about hygiene or not, you can boil it first.

Besides meat, you can also add telurr yolk to the cat's food menu, remember only the yellow. You can add egg yolks to eating about 2-3 times per week.

If you have a Dry Food for cats, dry food can still be given but only as a snack. Choose dry food with more protein content and does not contain a lot of coloring. Dyes in dry food are dangerous for cat kidneys.

3. Provide the right food

You must provide nutritious food for the cat, and if you can, vary. We take the example of Cat Biscuits, try giving your cat the biscuit. If he does not like it, then take the choice of high protein foods such as meat in number 2. This is also done to increase the appetite of the cat.

So that the cat also has good hair, don't let it give you salted fish, especially for Persian cats that are very sensitive to what they consume.

There are also other choices by giving it the right product, one of the good cat food products to make it fat and healthy is Royal Canin Exigent. Royal Canin Exigent is a product that is liked by cats and many prove that it can be a way to fatten cats.

4. Vitamins

Vitamins are one of the keys to success in making them fat. Vitamins such as fish oil are good for appetite, helping them to get fat and their hair to be healthy.
You just have to buy and give it to your cat, whether it's mixed with food or just put it in his mouth.

5. Vaccines

Cat health is important, you have to look after it. Don't forget to give him a vaccine to keep the cat from getting sick. If he is healthy, his appetite is maintained and he can get fat fast.

6. Maintain the mood of cats

Cats are animals that like to look for comfort. Cats actually don't like to be in a cage, so give plenty of opportunities for the cat to play outside the cage.
Also invite him to play, if possible you also buy him some toys that make him happy. The point is not to get stressed, if stressed cats will be difficult to increase weight.

7. After playing, take the cat to eat

You once felt that if after exercise, take a break for a while eh feeling hungry. Cats can also be like that, so after we take exercise or play directly just give food.

8. Using AC (Air Conditioner)

We can make air conditioning as a tool to support the way to make fat cats. A cold room can make the cat become a little lazy to play and choose to take a break, maybe it's delicious times.
Now the above makes the cat's appetite increases, cat fur can be maintained well also keep the fungus that endangers the cat.

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